Sapatinhos feitos pelo meu pai quando eu tinha 1 ano...
Shoes my dad made me when i was 1....

os meus chinelos aos 39.... sim, ainda a terminar estas meias....
my slippers at 39... yes, still finishing these socks...

digam lá que não tenho bom gosto para calçado?
Have i the best taste in shoes or what?
9 comentários:
um verdadeiro artista. :)
Yes, you have!
Excellent taste! :)
most definately you have the best taste in shoes!
i love them. hey did you get my postcard?
Tudo verdadeiras obras de arte, sem dúvida!
yes, you really do! inherited from your father, perhaps?
I love them all, especially the slippers, marvellous sock knitting too.You must have inherited your talent from your creative Dad !
Hey, esses chinelos são iguais, na base, aos meus :O)
Bjs mil!
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