segunda-feira, 25 de agosto de 2008

No rio

Estava vento mas o calor era bom... enquanto ficava a ver o Rafa na água a fingir que era um tubarão, tive pena de não ter lavado o tricot para a beira do Zêzere... para a semana, quem sabe regresse...
O Rafa está de regresso a casa depois de uma semana de férias...
A capulana, anda sempre no saco, nem eu sabia o jeito que me dava!

It was windy, but the heat was so good... while i was watching Rafa in the water pretending to be a shark, i was sorry i hadn't taken along my knitting to the riverside... maybe next week we'll be back...
Rafa has returned after a week of holidays... how i missed him!
The capulana is always in my bag... i never guested how handy it would be...

3 comentários:

Anónimo disse...

Ah, quando eu fingia que era um tubarão :) Que bom ser pequenino!

raining sheep disse...

The capulana is ingenious. I clicked on the site link you provided and took a goold look. You are lucky to be able to sit and hang out by the water. It is good for the soul.

lady.bug disse...

